QOTD: Hey, You! Leggo My Ego

You don't need it.

Oh, ego, ego, ego.

Our egoes can be so tricky, at times.

What’s your ego? It’s that child-like part of you that thinks the world needs to revolve around you for you to be okay.

Here’s the bad news: the world doesn’t revolve around you.

Here’s the good news: the world doesn’t revolve around you.

You don’t NEED yourself, others, the world, to do any damn thing for you to be okay. There are no conditions that need to be met for your happiness, growth and success.

You are all you need, but as long as you’re focusing on manipulating the world through a lens of expectation, you can never truly dive in to you and appreciate all that you are.

In sum, the only must for you is you.

Today’s your day to show up.

Read Another One (or 10)


#DoThisThing: Emo Fever Reducers

It will not always be this hard.

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