There’s always going to be the critics, my dear, always gonna be haters. But take heart, there’s always gonna be the lovers, too.

Whether a lover or a hater, I respond to each the same way.

Honestly, I’ve had more people tell me I’m a fucking rockstar than a piece of garbage over the past decade and while one may feel better in the moment, neither will make or break you.

You’ve gotta know in your soul who you are, your value, your purpose, your reason for being on this planet in this very moment. You have to know it for yourself.

What are you doing right now that allows you to feel your value?

Have you made someone’s day today? If not, there’s still time.

We can’t feel good feelings without doing good things. Do something RIGHT NOW to feel your value. When you do, neither the lovers nor the haters have any power.

Your value is coming from you, for you—from the inside-out, not the outside-in.

Read Another One (or 10)


#DoThisThing: Build Your Character

Don't act like an a*, don't feel like an a*.


WITAF: What In the Actual Fake

The Imposter Syndrome is legit.

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